Prerequisite: Stat405
This course will give you the tools to create and critically evaluate data visualisations. We will focus on statistical graphics, graphics that display “statistical” data (observations are in rows and variables in columns), with some forays into the field of information visualisation.
What you will gain from this course:
This course will be driven by you and your participation - I will act as a guide to this new terrain, but I expect you to do most of the exploration.
Each week, unless you are selected to present, you to need to write a one-page page of single-spaced 12pt text with 1 inch margins that answers the following questions about the readings:
These are due Thursday, in class.
If you are selected to present, you need to:
An annotated bibliography is the first step along the road of writing a review article. It will list all of the articles that you have read related to the topic, as well as articles you have yet to read. It should include full citation information, as well as brief notes to remind you of the key points of the article.
Your annotated bibliography should include at least 10 articles per person, and for each article should provide (1) a paragraph on the contents of the paper, (2) why it is important, and (3) briefly note which papers in the references you also want to read. The idea of the annotated bibliography is to help you remember what you read, so be as brief as possible.
Your bibliography should be created in bibtex because this is the standard bibliographic format used in statistics. For a friendly editor on the mac, try bibdesk, and on windows jabref. If you use firefox, you might want to try zotero. Another option is Mendeley.
If you have created an annotated bibliography in a previous project, you can go on to write a full review article. The article should motivate the topic (why should I bother learning about this), then pull together the existing research a way that shows how it links together. Tables and visualisations that show how major advances fit together are highly recommended. From reading the paper, you should get a good overview of the field and the key references if you want to find out more.
If you have a documented disability that will impact your work in this class, please contact me to discuss your needs. You'll also need to register with the Disability Support Services Office in the Allen Center.
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