Hadley Wickham. hadley@rice.edu
Class: 9:35-10:50am Monday and Wednesday. DH 1046.
Course syllabus
Week 13. Tour of visualisations
Week 12. Graphical inference
- A. Buja, D. Cook, H. Hofmann, M. Lawrence, E.-K. Lee, D. F. Swayne, and H. Wickham. Statistical inference for exploratory data analysis and model diagnostics. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions A, 367 (1906):4361-4383, 2009.
- H. Wickham, D. Cook, H. Hofmann, A. Buja. Graphical Inference for Infovis. Transactions on Information Visualisation, 2010.
Week 11. Model visualisation.
Week 10. Brushing and selection
Week 9. The tour for clustering and classification
- H. Wickham, D. Cook, H. Hofmann and A. Buja. tourr: An R package for exploring multivariate data with projections. Journal of Statistical Software, to appear.
- D. Cook, E.-K. Lee, A. Buja, and H. Wickham. Grand tours, projection pursuit guided tours and manual controls. In C. Chen, W. Hardle, and A. Unwin, editors, Handbook of Data Visualization, Springer Handbooks of Computational Statistics, chapter III.2, pages 295-314. Springer, 2008.
- (Optional) J. Symanzik, A. Braverman, and Q. Luo. New applications of the image grand tour. Computing Science and Statistics, 34:500-512, 2002.
Week 8. Introduction to GGobi
Week 7. Colour
Week 6. Mosaic and parallel coordinate plots
Week 5. Introduction to Mondrian
Week 4. Perception of discrete variables.
Week 3. Perception of continuous variables.
Week 2: Layered grammar of graphics
In class
Week 1: Introduction
Clean data