
Homework: week 10

Due 29 Mar.

  1. Write a short report describing the server survey data from project, in the same way as you did for week 5, but this time I want you to use reshape as well. I suggest you choose a subset of the data (ie. server or customer characteristics), to make it easier.

    The homework should be an initial, basic, exploration of the data. I'd expect about a page each on 4 or 5 interesting findings. You'll need considerably more depth for the homework.

    You don't need to use reshape for all of the findings, but I want you to use it for at least half. You might find the detailed reshape manual useful.

    Remember that you'll need to come up with quite a few ideas that you don't present to me - I want to see your best ideas, not your only ideas!

Grading rubric (pdf)

Some great answers