Product measures

Product spaces and product measures

Given two measure spaces `(Omega_i, F_i, mu_i)` is it possible to construct a measure `mu_1 xx mu_2` on the product space `Omega_1 xx Omega_2` st `mu(A xx B) = mu(A) * mu(B)` for `A in F_1, B in F_2`?

Starting with `mu` defined on `C`, `mu(A_1 xx A_2) = mu_1(A_1) * mu_2(A_2)`, we can use the extension procedure to extend `mu` to all `F_1 xx F_2`. Another approach, which allows us to calculate the values directly, proceeds as follows.

`(Omega_i, F_i, mu_i)` `mu_i` `sigma`-finite then:

Product space may not be complete, even if both original measures spaces are complete.

Fubini-Tonelli Theorems

Integral over product space can be treated as iterated integral if `f: Omega_1 xx Omega_2 -> R^+` (Tonelli’s therem) or `f in L_1(mu)` (Fubini’s theorem)

Tonelli: Let `(Omega_i, F_i, mu_i)` be `sigma`-finite spaces, `f` non-negative. Then:

Fubini: If `f in L^1(mu)` then there exist sets `B_i in F_i` st

Integration by parts: Let `F_1, F_2` be `uarr`, right-continuous functions on `[a,b]` with no common points of discontinuity. Then `int_((a,b]) F_1(x) dF_2(x)` `= F_1(b)F_2(b) - F_1(a)F_2(b) - int_((a,b]) F_2(x) dF_1(x)`. If `F_1, F_2` are ac with non-negative densities `f_1, f_2` then `int_a^b F_1(x) f_2(x) dx = F_1(b)F_2(b) - F_1(b)F_2(a) - int_a^b F_2(x) f_1(x) dx`. (Can always decompose into two non-negative functions so this also holds for all Lebesgue intergrable functions).

Extension to products of higher order use extension procedure.



Given `{a_n}, {b_n} in L^1`, let `c_n = a ** b = sum_0^n a_j b_(n-j)`, then:


`f, g in L^1` then:


`mu_1, mu_2` `sigma`-finite measures on `(RR, B(RR))`, `(mu_1 ** mu_2)(A) = int mu_1(A-y) mu_2(dy)`. `I_A(x+y) = h(x+y) = I_A oo phi : RR^2 -> RR`, `phi(x, y) = x+y`. `(mu_1 ** mu_2) = int int_(RR xx RR) I_A(x+y) mu_1(dx) mu_2(dy)` = `int_R (int_R I_A(x+y) mu_1(dx)) mu_2(dy)` (and vice versa, by Tonelli).