
What is a mixed model?

Generalisation of linear models where observations are not independent. Mixed models model the covariance structure of data.

Three basic types:

Why use mixed models?

Useful definitions


Basically the same as nesting (?).


When a design is balanced estimate effects will equal raw means. Balance occurs for a fixed effect when:

It’s also important identify when fixed effect means will differ depending on whether fixed or mixed model is used. They will be the same provided:

Rules of thumb:

Error strata

Error stratum defined by each random effect and by the residuals. The containment stratum of a fixed effect is defined as error strata that contains the effect – the residual stratum, unless contained within a random effect. Usually an effect has only one containment stratum, but can have more in more complicated situations.

Higher level strata are defined by random effects themselve contained within another random effect. If higher level strata are present and data are imbalanced across random effects, fixed effects will be estimated using information from the higher level strata as well.