Single parameter models.

Conjugate priors

`F` a class of sampling distributions, `P` a class of prior distributions. Then `P` is conjugate for `F` if `p(theta) in P` and `p(y|theta) in F` implies `p(theta | y) in P`. Exponential family sampling distributions have natural conjugate priors: `p(y | theta) prop g(theta)^eta exp(phi(theta)^T t(y))`, `p(theta) prop g(theta)^n exp(phi(theta)^T nu)`, then posterior also in exponential form `p(theta | y) prop g(theta)^(n+eta) exp(phi(theta)^T (t(y) + nu))`.

Table of standard conjugate priors to go here:

Non-informative priors

Minimal effect on posterior - let's data speak for themselves. Conjugate priors can be be almost non-informative.

Uniform prior is natual non-informative prior for location parameters

If density of `y` is of form `p(y - theta | theta)` then is a location density with location parameter `theta`

A scale density is of the form `p(y | sigma) prop theta^(-1) p(y/sigma)`. Arguing similarly to above, must have form `pi(sigma) prop sigma^-1`.

Jeffrey's prior

Non-informative, and invariant to one-to-one transformations. `p(theta) prop [I(theta)]^(1/2) = -E(del/(del theta) log(p(y|theta)))`. Jeffrey's priors are locally uniform (ie. uniformly distributed in every small region) and therefore non-informative. However, sometimes a Jeffrey's prior violates the likelihood principle.